Anunt de concurs [en]

Swim club Presov with commission from Slovak Swimming Federation


2008 Slovak Republic Swimming Championships, Masters

Date and place: April 5th to 6th 2008, Presov, 25m pool, SOUE swimming pool, Sekcov

Deadline for application: March 24th, 2008.

Address: Milada Lescakova, Prostejovska 95, Presov, 08001, Slovak republic

OR - Juraj Buzgo, Pod Hajom 2, Lubotice, 08006, Slovak republic

Contact and Information: Tomas Babela,


Accommodation: Organizers will take care of it depending on your application. Accommodation in Pension Lineas, 10 /person/night

Meal arrangement can be made at your hotel/pension, upon request

Deadline for canceling accommodation: no later then April 1st, 2008

Start Fees: 5 /competitor/half day

5 /relay

Evening Special Event: Saturday, April 5th, 2008 at pension Lineas

Include dinner, relax atmosphere with music (up to 10 /person)

Technical Terms: Competing in accordance with Slovak Swimming Federation (SSF) rules, Swimming concept of SSF and this schedule.

Competitors will be put into heats depending on their entered times on application. Results are made from the heats.

Swimming pool: 25m, 6 lanes, Electronic timing Omega

Prizes: Competition is based on individual races. There will be absolute results - each time (except relays) will be calculated with coefficient based on Masters point system in each discipline. Top three swimmers in each discipline will obtain medal and diploma. The most honored achievement by points in men and women’s category will be rewarded in special prize.

Age categories for Relays: 100-119, 120-159, 160-199, 200 +

Timetable and Events:

Saturday, April 5th 2008 at 1500

(Warm-up starts at 1400)

1. 100m Individual Medley - men

2. 100m Individual Medley – women

3. 50m Freestyle – men

4. 50m Freestyle – women

5. 100m Breaststroke – men

6. 100m Breaststroke – women

7. 50m Backstroke – men

8. 50m Backstroke – women

9. 100m Butterfly – men

10. 100m Butterfly - women

11. 400m Freestyle – men

12. 400m Freestyle – women

13. 4x50m Individual Medley – men

14. 4x50m Individual Medley – women

15. 4x50m Freestyle – Mixed

Sunday, April 6th 2008 at 900

(Warm-up starts at 800)

16. 200m Individual Medley – men

17. 200m Individual Medley – women

18. 100m Freestyle – men

19. 100m Freestyle – women

20. 50m Butterfly – men

21. 50m Butterfly – women

22. 100m Backstroke – men

23. 100m Backstroke –women

24. 50m Breaststroke – men

25. 50m Breaststroke – women

26. 200m Freestyle – men

27. 200m Freestyle - women

28. 4x50 Freestyle – men

29. 4x50 Freestyle – women

30. 4x50m Individual Medley - mix


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